

Known as Higanbana in Japan, this flower is often found in anime in Japan. They say that a spider lily symbolizes death or a tragedy. These flowers usually grow in cemeteries, where it earned the name “Flower of Death”.

The red spider lily usually grows in the asian region particularly China, Korea and Japan. Though they look attractive to the eyes because of its color and unique appearance, be aware that they are poisonous when eaten and touching the bulbs can cause rashes to the skin.

Some of the famous animes where red spider lily was featured:

  1. HELLGIRL 地獄少女 – This flower is shown everytime Ai (hellgirl) is about to take someone’s life.
  2. TOKYO GHOUL 東京喰種トーキョーグール – When Kaneki became a ghoul.
  3. DEMON SLAYER 鬼滅の刃 – End credits

When you see this flower starting to bloom in Japan, it means the Autumn season is just around the corner. If you want to see a place with thousands of red spider lilies, you can check out the Kinchakuda Red Spider Lily Park in Hidaka City in Saitama.



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